Monday, December 14, 2009

Clarisse turns 1


Last Sunday, Clarisse turns 1 year old. We had a simple celebration the day before, Saturday.

It was solely a family affair with my aunties and uncles and a few Dad’s close friends making up the numbers. We had a dinner at a nearby Chinese restaurant which our family always frequent whenever we don’t  know what to eat or where to eat. A dinner minus all the elegant and elaborated Chinese dishes. No big huhhah, no special dishes as a matter of fact, Clarisse is still a young toddler. She wouldn’t know what’s all the fuss about. She will just sit through the dinner wanting to eat everything that she sees us adults eating.

After the dinner, we went back to Grandma’s house for the cake-cutting. I like the cake very much. Dad ordered it from his friend’s cakehouse. Though I was kinda disappointed that the cake was not baked in the design on a letter “1”, it was a very nice looking cake afterall. Don’t believe me ?? Judge it for yourself from the photos below.


Top view of the birthday cake


Hello Kitty, Sailor Moon and a few other cartoon characters greeting the birthday girl

It’s a chocolate sponge cake with cream. This cake is not so creamy as compared to the one which we had for Grandma’s birthday. The one we ordered for Grandma was too  over-generous with the cream. It was like eating a loaf of cream rather than eating a cake.


The birthday girl, Clarisse and the parents

Photo-session with Clarisse was a real challenge. She was too eager to look everywhere except to where the camera is. The flame on the candle was a constant attraction to her and her curiosity got the better of her. Kept on wanting to approach the candle. In the end, we didn’t manage to get many good photo shots. Just  a couple that will keep us in remembrance of her 1st birthday with us !



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