Thursday, October 7, 2010

Where Have I Been ??

I have been missing from my Blog for a long, long time again. The last posting I put up was somewhere in July. So, I have been away for about 3 months I guess.

Life moved on. I have left my previous employment with a related company of a well-known blood testing Group, handling the financial affairs of a chain medical GP practise and distributor of health supplements.

I have been commented by some friends as well as fellow interviewers for not being staying long with a company that I have worked with. My longest period of employment with 1 company is 3.5 years. I have now worked for almost 13 years and I have worked for 6 companies! Of course, I would not like to be potrayed as a job-hopper too. It's just that opportunities came along the way and I would like to take the opportunity to move up the career ladder. Else, why I would I want to study until Univeristy level, equipped myself with a Degree but working just as a clerical staff in a Company. Aim high right??

Well, I have just joined a local media agency. So now, I am in an advertising line of business. I landed myself in the role of a Finance & Admin Manager - overseeing Finance, HR, Admin and IT department. It's a small company with headcount of not more than 10 but it's a pleasant office to work in. The company is not too far away from where I live at. This company has been established not too long. It has been around for about 5 years but the CEO/Owner is someone well-known in this industry. In fact, he has been in the advertising line for almost 20 years, helming top position in companies he worked for before moving forward to open his own company. He come across as someone very knowledgeable in many topics. I do see him as a mentor in certain way and I do hope this employment will keep me grounded for some time ;-)

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